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For nurses,aesthetics presents an amazing opportunity to develop new skills and branchinto new areas of practice. In fact, some RNs may find that they prefer thecreative world of aesthetics to more high-pressure, high-stress fields ofpractice. The Aesthetic Immersion is pleased to present nurses with a range oftraining courses to help them develop their confidence in aesthetic practice.
What is Aesthetic Nursing?
Anaesthetic nurse is any RN whose day-to-day responsibilities include theprovision of aesthetic and cosmetic services. For example, an aesthetic nursemay help patients look and feel their best by way of Botox injections, dermalfillers, and beyond. Aesthetic nurses may practice in dermatology clinics, inmed spas, or in private practices that are wholly devoted to medicalaesthetics.
Education Requirements for an Aesthetic Nurse
The firststep toward becoming an aesthetic nurse is obtaining your RN designation.Generally, this will require the completion of a BSN program, where you willdevelop foundational knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and standards ofclinical care. And, though it is not required, many nurses prefer to gain a fewyears of real-world practice experience before they start honing their skillsin aesthetic nursing. Additional training provides the confidence needed toensure optimal cosmetic outcomes and to promote patient safety.
Do I Need Any Certification or Credentials?
In moststates, simply having an RN is the only legal requirement for practicing as anaesthetic nurse. However, some nurses may wish to seek additionalcredentialing, simply to become more competitive in the job market or to landthe most prestigious positions. For example, some aesthetic nurses choose topursue certification through the Plastic Surgical Nursing Certification Board.Some employers may look favorably on this added certification. Completingtraining courses from The Aesthetic Immersion can provide the skill andknowledge level needed to obtain this credentialing and to begin confidentlypracticing as an aesthetic nurse. We welcome you to contact us to learn moreabout the available programs.
Considering Becoming an Aesthetic Nurse?
At TheAesthetic Immersion, we hear from plenty of individuals who are just gettingstarted in the nursing field and who consider aesthetics to be a creativelystimulating field of practice. And, we also hear from RNs who have beenpracticing for years or even decades and simply want a change of pace. Thetruth is, there are many reasons why it might make sense to become an aestheticnurse. Consider just a few of the benefits of this career path.
In Demand
Onereason to pursue work in aesthetic nursing? The opportunities abound.Treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers have gained prominence and surgedin popularity, with more and more women and men seeking non-surgical methods toreverse the signs of aging. This boom in interest has led to widespreadopenings in med spas, dermatology practices, aesthetic medicine clinics, andbeyond. There is ample demand for trained and qualified clinicians who areconfident in administering cosmetic care.
Great Pay
As demandfor aesthetic nurses increases, so does the average level of pay. Leading jobrecruitment sites indicate that aesthetic nurses can make anywhere from $65,000to $90,000 annually. Certainly, nurses who obtain higher levels of clinical andmedical experience will command the most competitive salary ranges. In otherwords, pursuing training opportunities through The Aesthetic Immersion canprepare you for a career that is creatively satisfying, patient-focused, andrewarding on a financial level.
Job Duties Entail
Anotherreason to consider a career in aesthetic nursing is that it provides the chanceto work in a fun environment where every day brings new challenges. Aestheticnurses have varied job duties. Just a few examples include:
Here is Where You Can Work
Fornurses who are looking to get away from high-stress healthcare facilities,branching into aesthetic nursing may offer a unique opportunity. There are manytypes of work environments available to aesthetic nurse professionals, most ofthem characterized by being fun, creative, and varied. Some potential workenvironments for aesthetic nurses include:
There arecountless ways for aesthetic nurses to seek rich, exciting careers providingcosmetic care for their patients.
Here is What You Need to Learn
TheAesthetic Immersion offers courses that build on the clinical knowledge youalready possess. Nurses who enroll in our programs can deepen theirunderstanding of rheology, facial anatomy, and also the latest cosmetictreatment options. The goal of our training courses is always to equip you withthe confidence you need to administer aesthetic treatments to your patients, toassure them of optimal outcomes, and to maintain the highest standards ofpatient comfort and safety.
Why Do Aesthetic Training with Us?
TheAesthetic Immersion is the leader in aesthetic nurse training courses. Wedevelop training programs that are customized to meet the needs of busy RNs andare pleased to offer hands-on training sessions, webinars, digital courses, andbeyond. Additionally, our courses are based on the most up-to-date aesthetictreatment options.
We Are the Authority in Medical Aesthetics
TheAesthetic Immersion is built on 15 years of experience running successfulpractices throughout Southern California. Our aesthetic specialists see as manyas 250 patients each day. In the course of operating these practices, wedeveloped an interest in training the next generation of aestheticprofessionals, equipping them with a deep level of knowledge in anatomy, rheology,and more. Today, we are recognized as the leading authority in hands-on andonline training for RNs interested in aesthetics.
Direct and Focused Learning
TheAesthetic Immersion offers training courses to accommodate all levels ofexperience. If you are just getting your start in aesthetic nursing, we arepleased to offer training programs that cover all the fundamentals. And if youare already an experienced pro, we invite you to take courses that will helpyou branch out into more advanced areas of aesthetic care.
TheAesthetic Immersion provides flexible ways to learn. For those who prefer thehands-on, in-person experience, we invite you to join us in our Brea,California location. For those who are not local or who prefer the convenienceof distance learning, we also offer our skills and experience through onlinewebinars and digital courses. Choose from an array of topics that will help youbecome more effective in your aesthetic practice.
List of Everything You Can Learn Through OurCourses
Meet Your Experienced Instructors
One ofthe things we are proudest of at The Aesthetic Immersion is that our coursesare all developed and taught by skilled aesthetic professionals. Specifically,our company is led by Dr. Gideon Kwok and Lori Robertson, both highlyaccomplished aesthetic professionals. Learn more about their experience.
Dr. Gideon Kwok
Dr.Gideon Kwok founded seven Skin Perfect Medical Aesthetic clinics in SouthernCalifornia, where he also served as the Medical Director. Dr. Kwok has servedas a trainer and speaker for various companies: Galderma, Merz Aesthetics, andMINT PDO. Additionally, he is regarded as one of the top 100 injectors in theUnited States. Dr. Kwok’s passion for the field of aesthetic medicine startedas a personal project to help himself and his friends with their skin issues.
Lori Robertson
Lori Robertson spent 19 years on ABC-TV asboth an actress and Medical Advisor to the famed soap opera, General Hospital.She is a successful Instagram influencer and seeks to educate providers on safeand effective injection techniques. Lori has won countless national awards,including National Aesthetic Nurse of the Year in 2012.
Start Your Aesthetic Training Today
For RNs,pursuing a career in aesthetics can be highly rewarding. The best way toprepare for a new chapter is to start developing your knowledge of rheology,anatomy, and state-of-the-art cosmetic techniques. To receive the confidenceyou need to treat your patients, we invite you to sign up for training with The Aesthetic Immersion today.
Types of Aesthetic Training Available
We arepassionate about providing a wide range of training options, ensuring that allaspiring aesthetic nurses can find an option that fits into their busyschedules. We invite you to learn more about our hands-on and in-personcourses, our digital courses, and our webinars, all of which deliver thehighest levels of training in aesthetic nursing.
In-House Training Courses
For thosewho desire a chance to practice aesthetic treatment techniques in a hands-on,in-person setting, we invite you to enroll in one of our courses here in Brea,California. Each course is led by Dr. Kwok and Lori Robertson, and you willhave plenty of time to receive one-on-one instruction and have any of youroutstanding questions answered. Sign up for one of our aesthetic basicsclasses to hone some fundamental skills or choose an advancedoption to move your career forward.
Online Webinars
For thosewho prefer the convenience and flexibility of virtual learning, Dr. Kwok andLori Robertson present online webinars on a regular basis. These webinars aretypically between an hour and an hour and a half in length, making themaccessible even to RNs who are already busy at work. Through a live chatfunction, you will have ample opportunity to interact with the instructors andask any questions you have. Sign up for a webinar soon!
Digital Courses
TheAesthetic Immersion also provides digital courses, which are perfect for thosewho wish to learn at their own pace and according to their own schedule. Manyof these courses are more specialized in nature, allowing you to gain a greaterunderstanding of specific treatment methods of advanced aesthetic solutions.These pre-recorded courses are less interactive but still offer plenty ofactionable insights from Dr. Kwok and Lori Robertson. Sign up for digital courses from TheAesthetic Immersion.
Get Started! See Our Training Courses!
Whetheryou are brand new to aesthetic nursing or are seeking to further develop yourclinical skills, we welcome you to The Aesthetic Immersion. There is no betterway to develop the confidence you need to delight your patients with safe,successful treatments.
Start browsing our catalog of courses today.